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Error: "VDI Not Available"

Article| Storage | 71 found this helpful
| Created: 26 Mar 2014| Modified: 14 Nov 2014
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Symptoms or Error

The “VDI Not Available” error appears when a virtual machine (VM) is shutdown inappropriately or if there is a concern with the Storage Repository (SR) where the virtual machine exists.


Complete one of the following methods to resolve this behavior:

Solution 1

  1. Run the following command on each host to verify that the VM is shutdown and is not running on any of the hosts:
    list_domains | grep <VM UUID>
    For example [root@localhost log]# list_domains | grep c4615dc5-a7ff-bf10-e675-49e64a749fb5

  2. If the response indicates any running VM, shut down the machine and reset the VDI, to allow the VM to start without error.
    • To get the <VDI_UUID>, run the following command and then the script.
      #xe vm-disk-list uuid=<VM_UUID>
      : You will get two UUIDs of the following format-
      Ensure to use VDI_UUID and not VBD_UUID.

    • For hosts running post XenServer 6.1 with update XS61E015, the resetvdis.py script has been updated to allow a single VDI to be reset without having to stop all VMs running on the same SR.
      Reset the VDI using the following resetvdis.py command syntax:
      /opt/xensource/sm/resetvdis.py single <VDI UUID>

      Use the VDI UUID from the error message or refer to the previous step.

      To reset all VDIs together in a SR, use the following command:
      #/opt/xensource/sm/resetvdis.py all <HOST_UUID> <SR_UUID>

      WARNING! Calling with 'all' on an attached SR, or using --force may cause DATA CORRUPTION if the VDI is still attached somewhere.
      Always manually double-check that the VDI is not in use before running this script.
      To manually check if a VDI is still attached, use the following command on each host:
      tap-ctl list | grep <VDI UUID>

    • For hosts running XenServer versions prior to XenServer 6.1 with update XS61E015, the resetvdis.py script can only be run on the entire SR. All VMs on that SR have to be shutdown.

Solution 2

WARNING! These steps are not recommended when the SR is configured with StorageLink (CSLG).
  1. Create a test Virtual Disk Image (VDI) to ensure that there are no underlying concerns with the SR. To do so, locate the VM generating the “VDI not available” error and complete the following steps:
    1. Locate the VM that is giving the VDI not available, and view its Storage tab for the residing SR.

      User-added image
    2. Create a 1GB test VDI on the SR in question.

      User-added image
    3. Run the command on CLI, to find the UUID of the SR and the VDI you just created: xe vdi-list name-label=test.

    4. Run the command on CLI: xe vdi-forget uuid=<uuid of VDI you just did the list in Step 1.c>.

    5. Run the command on CLI: xe sr-scan uuid=<uuid of SR that you got from Step 1.c>

    6. Run the command on CLI, to set the vdi-name: xe vdi-param-set name-label=test uuid=<uuid of VDI you got from Step 1.c>

    7. Check the XenCenter Storage tab to ensure that the VDI appears.

  2. If any of the scans, renames, or forget actions fail, then contact XenServer Support for assistance.
  3. If the test VDI scans, renames, or forget actions are performed without error, then continue the following steps:

    1. Locate the virtual machine generating the VDI not available error and go to the Storage tab to find the SR.

    2. Click Properties and add _0 to the end of the name.

      User-added image
    3. Detach the drive from the VM.

      User-added image
    4. Run the command on CLI: xe vdi-list name-label= “name of the VDI with the _0 added” (use the quotation marks)

    5. Note the VDI UUID and the SR UUID.

    6. Run the command on CLI: xe vdi-forget uuid=<UUID of VDI that you got from Step 2.d>

    7. Run the command on CLI: xe sr-scan uuid=<UUID of SR that you got from Step 2.d>

    8. Run the command on CLI: xe vdi-param-set name-label=<name used in Step 2.d> uuid=<UUID of VDI>

    9. Open XenCenter and go to the VM > Storage tab and select Attach.

    10. Select the disk currently being worked on.

      User-added image
  4. Repeat the procedure from Step 3.a for each subsequent VDI if the VM has more than one drive.
  5. Restart the VM.

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