티스토리 뷰


Xenserver Dom0 파티션 풀

덕쑤 2017. 8. 7. 13:50


Applicable Products

  • XenServer 6.2.0
  • XenServer 6.1.0
  • XenServer 6.5

Symptoms or Error

User-added image

The following errors or alerts might appear in XenCenter:

  • File System on Control Domain Full.

  • Disk usage for the Control Domain on server 'XenServer' has reached 99.0%. XenServer's performance will be critically affected if this disk becomes full .

  • Log files or other non-essential (user created) files should be removed.

Impact on the environment

  • Performance of the VMs across the pool or host becomes sluggish.

  • Host becomes completely unresponsive.

  • XenServer console will show error: "The XenAPI connection has timed out , the console will have reduced functionality".

  • All the Consoles, for hosts or VM,  become unresponsive.

  • Error while trying to update hotfixes: "No space left on the device".

  • Any command or any process on the host  takes too long to execute.

  • Host will disconnect from XenCenter and will not connect back
 To find out the proper usage, execute the following command.

#df -h
Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda2             4.0G  3.6G  147M  97% /
none                  2.0G   40K  2.0G   1% /dev/shm
                       52M   52M     0 100% /var/xen/xc-install
                      542G  167G  347G  33% /var/run/sr-mount/6e4fc08e-5459-ccbb-4959-2bccc93076ea

Note: The highlighted percentage can vary from any value from 90 - 100.


Complete the following steps:

  1. Remove additional Logs.
  2. Remove cached uploaded patch files.
  3. Remove the patch-backups.
  4. Review additional files.
  5. Enable log compression

Remove additional Logs

  • #cd /var/log
  • #ls
  • remove old compressed logs using # rm *.gz

Do not remove *.log files as this will break log rotation and requires a reboot of the host to fix.
Refer to the following screen shot for the complete command. This command ensures that all the current logs files will be intact and will not be deleted.

User-added image

Remove cached uploaded patch files

  • # cd /var/patch
  • Remove all the entries except the "/applied" folder 

Use the following command to remove all the uploaded patches and without deleting the applied folder

     # find /var/patch -maxdepth 1 -type f -exec rm -v {} +

Remove the patch-backups

  • cd /opt/xensource/patch-backup
  • ls
  • rm -rf *
User-added image

Remove stunnel entries

    .    # cd /tmp/

User-added image

Note: If these steps do not reflect the space being cleared, run #service syslog restart and the usage inside the root file system will be cleared.

Enable Log Compression

  • Open the /etc/logrotate.conf file by using a text editor (for example, nano).
  • Remove the comment symbol (#) from the following line so that it reads compress:
  • Save the file and exit text editor. (In nano, press CTRL+O to save, and CTRL+X to exit). XenServer uses the new configuration from the next time.


Review Additional files

  • Check /tmp directory for any rogue files. You can delete everything inside it as XenServer wont store any default files in it.

  • Check "~" and "/" to see if there are any additional ISO files or any extra packages are present inside the directory. If yes, delete them.

Even after executing all those above steps if the space is still not reclaimed, contact Citrix Technical support.

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